Thursday, 12 November 2009

Cat Ba Island and Monkey Island

Shouldn't a forest crab be green or brown or something??? Or should crabs live in forests at all?

Cat Ba National Park wildlife

Spent one night on the beach of this deserted island, just the two of us. The boat couldn't get all the way in so we had to have our bags handed over and carried ashore with water up to our waists. Unfortunately, the less than patient 'captain' of the boat sailed off before we could get our camera back from Hertta, who was filming whilst our stuff was being thrown off the boat. So no other photos from this unbelievably beautiful experience. But... I can tell you that we lit a fire, made noodle soup for dinner, drank vodka, watched the stars and the moon reflecting beautifully in the still sea, had a moonlit swim and fell asleep under the stars. Bliss...... Although we did get woken up in the middle of the night by the rain and had to sleep in the tent for the rest of the night!

The boat that took us to the island. Our beach to the left on the island in the background.

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