Tuesday 20 October 2009

First day in Beijing

Separated at birth. Chris ved inngangen til Den Forbudte By, med selveste mannen i bakgrunnen!

Coarse, but to the point. Our favourite sign thus far!

Qinghai Lake. .Me on the better of our two bikes. Had a lovely day of cycling around the streets of Beijing.

After trying to send Chris off on a bike with no brakes and a flat tyre, a deal was struck!

But only after Chris made her test drive it first, which she seemed more than happy to do by the look on her face. The sad end to this story was that shortly after this picture was taken, the brakes failed and she was hit by a speeding rickshaw.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, hope she did`nt hurt herself bad...
    Nice toilet by the way :)
    Beijing looks like a very nice city.
    Have fun and look out for rickshaws...
