Monday 10 August 2009


Jermaine's car is being left behind in Terespol, Poland!
Christmas jumper sale on in Terespol!
A well-deserved beer after 10 hours driving- finally in Warsaw!

Polish border!


  1. I like the idea of the "well earned beer" - one of which must be like liquid gold, compared to those quaffed one after t'other, which go down without touching the sides and don't really "touch the spot!"

    Your text saying you were on your way to Moscow, drinking vodka and listening to Ronnie Lane, made me want to be there! Purely, to see you both and to listen to Ron!

    Am enjoying the pics and comments. It's sad about the car, but what good service it has given - a great advert for Honda, Honda, Honda, Honda!!! Sheer Madness, actually!

  2. Glad you're enjoying the pics, Kim. The Honda was unbelievable! Even I was sad to see it go and I'm not particularly sentimental about cars! Trains from now on though- my choice of transport, anytime!!! xx

  3. My choice too Silje - I love a train journey! Though yours is certainly a little bit more adventurous than my last one to Bognor Regis.

    Do you know, at one time you used to be able to get the "Motor Rail" from London to Scotland. They would load your car on the train and you could have a sleeping compartment, and wake in the morning in a foreign land .....Scotland. To me that is most certainly the best of both worlds - load the mini on in London and then off again in bonny Scootland! "Let the train take the strain!" as the advertising slogan went.

    Can't wait to see more of the blog in the days, weeks, months ahead - I lurve it!

    And the Skype last night courtesy of David, was such a blast. I'm still trying to clear all those fag butts from my balcony! And strange as it may be - mum says she's going out tonight - wouldn't say where. Probably going to see a friend or something!

    TTFN (Tat Ta For Now) Love Kim x

  4. Got your message on Facebook, didn't realise we had to register!! I tried to comment yesterday, but my computer said 'no' and got really confused - hope I have more success today. Trip is looking good, what freedom, what excesses of alcohol too... Kim

  5. Hi Chris & Silje - have only just discovered how to make a comment (sad old wrinkly woman that I am!) - glad to see you are both well and everything going well xx
