Thursday, 6 August 2009

Well what d'ya know!! She's got her own uncle for a whole year who's even built her a dog kennel ('hundehus' for dere nordmenn som folger med her) for the garden. Isn't he handy??She's already snuggled up in uncle Paul's lap, thinking this is going to be a year full of cocktail sausages and trips to Peckham Rye Park!!!

1 comment:

  1. Are you ahead of schedule? - it wouldn't surprise me with that chap in the flat cap (otherwise known as "my bruvver" cue for a song maybe - Terry Scott stylee.) Actually, you're too young to know who that is! As I was saying - you know this person in the flat cap - he tends to do most things at high speed, and, well, it wouldn't surprise me if you were back in a fortnight, having done the whole trip in record time! But, then again, maybe that's wishful thinking on my part!
